Using hakujobscom to get freelance, Accounting dream job
Released on: September 1, 2008, 2:55 am
Press Release Author: DiaCis Technologies
Industry: Human Resources
Press Release Summary: Hakujobs first job search portal help to get multiple jobs at one palace in every field.Hakujobs serve you dream jobs in Accounting field ,in fraction of second.
Press Release Body: Using to get a contract, Accounting dream job is very easy. 1. You can either use hakujobs NexIT search from any page using keywords such as: \"New york Accounting\" (without quote) to see city specific Accounting jobs or just enter city name to see all the jobs available in the city.
2. Or use the link to see \"contract\" \"Accounting\" jobs for all cities at:
About DiaCis Technologies, a specialized staffing company with rich experience of successful Employer-Agency-Candidate (EAC) relationship. job board is different from other existing job boards by its innovative ways of doing thing and is powered by NexIT. -NexIT is a \"as innovative as simpler to use\" revolutionary approach of, how jobs from various Industries, Experience range and Job Types can be \"displayed, categorized and posted\" on a single unified platform with powerful Next Generation Job Search mechanism to serve you most appropriate dream jobs , in fraction of seconds. -NexIT server you jobs either by using a single word, a city name or even search phases. serve you jobs from more than 12 top industry segments and 1000+ cities categorized based on popular job types as full-time, part-time, freelance and contract jobs. -Job details section is designed in a nice user friendly manner to have One-page: job details, instant apply capabilities directly into Employer inbox, Recommend to a friend, and shows similar jobs of interest. -find interesting video, poll etc. related and helpful in your career building initiatives from Google. -strict rules against spam, frauds, suspicious Employer and candidate activities, and strong protection about privacy and mass distribution of candidate profile so not to have bad impression of \"Too Active candidate\".
Visit today to know how it can help you as Candidate, Employer or Agency! Or visit to get a specialized agency help.
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Contact Details: DiaCis Technologies 1394 Moonlight Circle, Milpitas CA 95035 Phone: +1(408)627-4081
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